Behind the Drape
While the pandemic has brought fear, change and uncertainty to the event industry, it has also provided an opportunity for evaluation,...
Our Escape From Virtual to Live
Just because you CAN do something, does not mean you SHOULD do it. Virtual events have been a great alternative to live events, in that...
Presenting: a refresher course
So let me just say this right upfront, and with total transparency: Nothing you read below will be revolutionary, surprising, or even...
Five reasons to refresh your brand
1. You are going unnoticed Declining sales? Lack of interest? Lack of engagement? Whatever the case, these undesirable effects can slowly...
Motivational Magic
If you’ve had the opportunity to see a great motivational speaker in person, you were surely impressed. That’s the point, after all – to...
Using the Stage During Your Presentation
Like it or not, your presentation is a performance. You are on stage as a character, rather than yourself, and you are acting a part. To...
Less is More
It is an accepted principle of marketing psychology that less is more. The more you say; the less people hear. The more choices you give...
Three Simple Tricks to Improve Your Big Talk
1. Shake up the opening Forget the obligatory opening joke. It's been done to death. Everyone is expecting it, and they may not be in...
So you've been asked to deliver a keynote speech at a big conference; or, you're going to present at your company's AGM; or, you're about...